Please note: The following courses are offered by the Business Administration Department. Some business administration minors require courses offered by other departments. Please refer to those areas of study for those course descriptions.

Introduction to Business

BUS 1110 / 4 credits 
This course will introduce the disciplines of business. Through readings, observations, hands-on applications, and cases, students will study current topics and trends relating to business. Students will also develop skills for problem-solving, communication, research, analysis, and presentation. Students will consider and evaluate career pathways.
Offered in Spring/Fall

Emerging Markets: Cultures and Languages (HUM)

BUS 2000 / 4 credits 
Emerging markets exemplify a symbiotic relation between business and cultures, and serve as the cornerstone of this course. One instructor each from business and modern languages utilize marketplaces as a unifying force of the globe and use numbers as a universal language combined with cultures, languages, and sociopolitics to explain the volatility of development with a humanities and sociologic approach.

Business Ethics (CL)

BUS 2110 / 4 credits 
In this course, students explore major ethical issues arising in the practice of business and learn to apply various methods of ethics in solving these problems. Whistleblowing, insider trading, employees’ rights, multinational corporations, and other topics are discussed.

Business Geographics and Data Visualization (QR)

BUS 2150 / 4 credits 
The course focuses on the visual display of quantitative information in a business or organizational context. Students will use advanced software technology to summarize data visually for better business decisionmaking, increased organizational efficiency, and effective organizational planning.

Applied Statistics for Management and Economics (MTH) (QR)

BUS 2340 / 4 credits 
The application of statistics to problems in business and economics, encompassing the gathering, organization, analysis, and presentation of data. Topics include descriptive statistics in tabular and graphical forms, the common measures of central tendency and dispersion, sampling and probability distributions, construction of confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, and correlation analysis. This course is offered as BUS 2340 or ECN 2340. Students who earned less than 20 on the math component of the ACT (or equivalent on the SAT) are encouraged to take a math class to strengthen their preparation for this class.
Offered in Fall/Spring

Business Policies Senior Seminar

BUS 4900 / 4 credits 
Business Policies Seminar is a capstone course for seniors majoring in marketing, management, accounting, and finance. It is designed to allow students to integrate their knowledge from other Business Department curriculum and apply those insights in seminar discussion of current business topics and readings. Additionally, under the supervision of the instructor, all students will complete a Senior Thesis/Project fulfilling both the seminar requirement and the general college requirement. Senior Thesis/Project choices are determined by each student, presented to the instructor for approval, and completed over the course of the scheduled term.
Prerequisites: Senior standing, BUS/ECN 2340 or MGT 3100, and MGT 3120
Offered in Fall/Spring